The Senior Golf League of the National Golf Center will be renewed in 2017 with a supersenior category for players over 65 years. This is the principal innovation for this season, in which this competition moves to every Tuesday to offer the golf course in better conditions of maintenance.

The amateurs who are more than 65 years old or fulfill them throughout the year will be able to choose if they want to compete as senior or supersenior. Those players who take refuge in this new category will have to compete in her during the whole league of 2017, will go out from a few more anticipated tee and will opt for their own prizes.
This is just another novelty for 2017: the trophies given to the winners of the scoring tests will give way to a gift card of 20, 25 or 30 € for the second of each handicap category, the first in each category handicap and the scratch winner respectively. This balance can be used to buy articles from the store, greenfees, rentals or to play balls in the training area.
In addition, for the usual draw of gifts provided by “The Granaínos”, there will be also two massages of Álvaro Zerolo, physiotherapist of the European Tour and of the Royal Spanish Golf Federation. And the approach competition will be maintained in hole 9, sponsored by Caná Golf and the National Center, and in the 17th hole, sponsored by the Restaurant Casa Julián.



There are scheduled 10 tournaments to be played throughout all the year, except for the usual closing in the month of August. The final tournament in which there will be the delivery of prizes for the whole championship is foreseen for December 19th. Of these ten tournaments the six best results of each player will be taken in order to elaborate an accumulated classification and to know who is the best senior player of the year.
The online registration for each tournament also presents new features, since the platform will be much more simple and intuitive. Those interested players can use this route or telephone by calling 913769060 or register with sufficient anticipation at the Caddy Master desk of the price of € 40 – the same as last year-. Entries will be closed the Friday before each tournament.
Manuel Santiago Barrios defends the title of absolute champion thanks to the accumulated 183 scratch points. The best in the first and second handicap category were Andrés Gil Garrido and Rafael Fuentes Morán.