As every month of February, about to leave the winter behind and welcome the spring, the Carnival arrives in Madrid. So if you come to play golf in Madrid take in mind that from February 24 to March 1, the streets of the city will be filled with music, dancing, color and costumes, especially in the District of San Blas-Canillejas, which this year will be the main protagonist of this festival, although of course, there will be no shortage Activities in the rest of the districts.Madrid Golf Coourses offers a great variety of Carnival Golf Tournaments to particIpate as in Golf La Herreria or Golf Retamares

After spending a great morning playing golf, on Saturday 25 will take place the parade that will mark the beginning of the celebrations and that will cross the streets of San Blas. It will start at 5:00 pm and will finish at 7:00 pm in the Auditorio Parque el Paraíso, where the carnival proclamation will take place – this year it will be held by El Langui- and after this there will follow a night of concerts with the Girls of Havana, Tomasito and El Langui.
In this great multicultural parade will participate cultural and folkloric associations, marching bands, circus shows and street theater.

Outside of San Blas, there will be a big masked ball in the famous Plaza Mayor full of jokes, music and humor to celebrate its IV Centenary of this popular space of the city. The music will be that of the Mad Sax Big Band, accompanied by the voices of Sheila Blanco and Jorge Fontecha and the live projections of the visual artist Eponine Franckx. If you go without costume, you can improvise one right there thanks to the Supermanazas live mask workshop. The Círculo de Bellas Artes will celebrate its traditional masked ball in the Ballroom, the Hall of Columns and the Pecera.

Golf Carnival in Madrid

On Sunday 26 the satirical and humorous criticism to rhythm of music will be the protagonist in the X Meeting of Murgas, Chirigotas and Comparsas (group contest and jests). The appointment will be at 1 pm in the Auditorio Parque el Paraíso. Just before this meeting, at 12o´clock, there will take place the “tossing of the dummy”, an ingrained tradition in the Carnival of Madrid, listening to the nice music of flageolets and bagpipes.

In the afternoon, starting at 4:00 pm, the Cultural Association La Parcería will make the assistants dance by the rhythm of the best classic Salsa.

The Carnival will officially end on March 1 with the traditional “Entierro de la Sardina”(Burial of the Sardine, a traditional parade which normally closes the Carnival celebrations The end of the party will be the popular parade of Giants and Heads.

There will also be theater, workshops for children and adults, dance, concerts or competitions, among many other activities. So if you visit Madrid in these dates to play golf enjoy all.
If you come to visit Madrid to play golf at these dates, also enjoy their fantastic carnivals.