
May is a very special month for the City of Madrid, so you’ll find many things to do while spending your weekend playing golf in Madrid. The month started with the celebration of the autonomic holiday of the 2nd of May. This day commemorates de rising of Madrid’s population, that took place the 2nd of May 1808, against the occupation of the French Army. Turning out to be the first action of the Spanish Independence War. It also, usually coincides with Spanish Mother’s and Labor Day, this turns out to make a long weekend where we can dedicate ourselves to spend a weekend dedicated to the practice of golf in Madrid.

And then a couple of weeks in between we have the Biggest Holiday of our beloved region: San Isidro. Madrid’s Golf Federation even believes that if Saint Isidro was contemporary to our time he’ll be a golfer, a golfer in Madrid, no doubt. He’s best known for taking rocks from the path with his crook. Who knows if he could’ve then launched them miles away with strength and precision?

Every 15th of May, since de XVI century its tradition to go in pilgrimage to drink the “saint’s water” that sprouts from the spring next to the Saint Isidro’s chapel. This celebration goes with the habit of sitting in the nice valley next to the chapel and spend a nice sunny day in company of your beloved ones. As you can see, its a splendid day for golf-lovers.

If you don’t feel like going up the Saint Isidro’s spring you can also enjoy, after being golfing in any of our 34 world renowned golf courses in Madrid, being the only European city with top notch golf courses near the city center, the many other activities that have been programmed for this weekend.

The party gets started Friday 13th, with a passacaglia, a type of parade where they dress as giants and cabezudos, carnival figure with an oversized head. Starting at 18:00, they walk, dance and play through the streets of the city center, joined by any who wants to have a very amusing afternoon. After this opening, at 20:00, Santiago Auserón, singer, songwriter and PhD in Philosophy. Icon of Madrid’s cultural life and leader of the popular 80’s rock band Radio Futura.

The night cannot end with out listening to a spectacular show put together by Santiago Auserón and Madrid’s Symphonic Municipal Band, including cellos, double basses, haps, clarinets, saxophones, flutes, etc. All conducted by the exceptional hands of Rafael Sanz-Espert, being considered one of the most valued batons in the world.

The rest of the weekend is filled with more shows suitable for all ages, so you can pass the weekend with family or friends, OR BOTH! We wanted to stand out a special tribute that the rest of the Spanish regions do to commemorate Saint Isidro. Ten different folkloric groups will participate interpreting dances from their original region. Great chance to see different culture from all over Spain without moving one single bit. CANT MISS IT!