On Sunday, May 21, in Madrid Golf La Dehesa will celebrate the Bogey Bear Tournament, a championship aimed at the childrens of the club and which has a high number of rounds so that all parents &children can enjoy, from the youngest and inexperienced to the most tanned players of the Competition-Team. All international golf players will be invited to participate too.

The course hold a Stableford 18 hole tournament for all children with national handicap and we will have prizes for the categories Benjamin, Alevín, Infantile and Cadet, Junior (up to 18 years). The children without national handicap can also play 9 holes from orange tee competing in the Bear Bogey category.

In the practice range the new players begin to discover this exciting sport with a multitude of rounds, they will play 6 short holes specially designed for them, will have putt and approach, will drawing contests on the subject the British Open and spanish players, golf quiz to learn how, etc.

At the end of all the rounds, prizes are awarded to the winners, a fantastic drawing of gifts (drones, robots, etc.) and a barbecue for all children with their parents,.

It should be mentioned that part of the prize money goes to the Foundation “Juegaterapia” (Play-therapy), which helps children with cancer and builds play areas on the roofs of hospitals.

The next weekend, on Saturday May 27, it´s the turn for the majors wich will play a tournament that belongs to the Circuit Mahou San Miguel Golf Club 2017. If you are planning to play golf in Madrid, you can try this course of Golf La Dehesa during the week.

240 participants will be able to dispute this round in which they will receive a magnificent welcome pack (Cotton Polo shirt Asworth, pack of 3 balls Taylor Made and Tees of wood).

There will be trophies for the first two ranked 1st and 2nd category men and ladies category, the nearest ball prize in each of the four par holes and prize for the longest drive for men and ladies.

In the middle of the tour there will be an exclusive tent of Gambito Golf where the players will be able to enjoy a selection of Iberian, cheeses, foie buffet, burritos, sandwiches, fruits, pastries and all kinds of drinks.

At the end of the tour, there will be a chill out area where there will be a food truck that will offer hamburgers, a tent of “Espacio Mahou” where the brands of the MSM group will be tasted and a final space of “Solans de Cabras” with cocktails and a perfect service of Solans soft drinks.

Golf La Dehesa is one of the best Members Only golf courses in Madrid and part of Madrid Golf Courses Association, and really closed of Lomas Golf and Golf Santander.