A good plan to visit and play golf in Madrid is to attend the Horse Show Cup of his Majestiy the King, which is held every month of May in the Community of Madrid.

This event took place just last week hosted international riders, among them twelve have disputed the victory in the tie-break of the Cup of his Majesty The King, at the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid. This club is one of the most attractive when it comes to holding open events, mainly tennis, horse riding and golf in Madrid.

The outcome has been known at the last moment. A very fast Daniel Bluman, last out on track, has been imposed in the test, after trimming in one-tenth the Chrono of the Belgian champion Pieter Devos, who seemed unbeatable, and who has finished second.

Princess Elena de Borbón has presented the award to the winner of the the Cup of his Majesty The King – Volvo Trophy. The Caser Trophy to the best Spanish rider of the test, Manuel Fernández Saro, and the Iberdrola Trophy to the best Amazon of the contest, which has been for the North American Audrey Coulter.

In second place is classified Uri Rosenzweig, the Upper horse, with a time of 44.47. The Chilean rider, although Spain-based, sought the triumph in Madrid after staying very near this morning at the King’s College Trophy, but neither could be despite its magnificent journey. The third fastest rider has been Eric van der Vleuten, with horse Wunschkind 19. Sara Salom, in fifth place, has been the best Spanish representative in this test.

There have been Spanish victory in the first test of the King’s College trophy, with the triumph of the Amazon María Bela, with Everythink horse, and a Chrono of 59.55. A great performance has also been of the Spanish María Elorz in this CSI of Madrid. Today she has ranked second in this test and yesterday she was proclaimed winner in the 1.15 m for the Trophy Club de Campo Villa de Madrid. Third place in this first test of trophy King’s College has been for the British Alica Store, third yesterday in Trophy CCVM.

The place chosen to shelter this test is one of the golf clubs of more prestigious of the city of Madrid. Placed to 15 minutes of the center of Madrid, the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid is one of the perfect places to enjoy golf in Madrid.

The Club de Campo has a great diversity of activities, several restaurants, 2 golf courses, field of Pole and tracks of pádel and tennis.

In this respect, there are innumerable the tests of the European Circuit of the PGA that have been celebrated in the facilities of the Club. Spain Open in 9 occasions, the last in 1996, Madrid Open in 9 occasions, between 1968 and 2002.

For any player who wants to plan a weekend of golf in Madrid, close to the city and less than 20 minutes from the Centre, are golf courses as the Centro Nacional, the Olivar de La Hinojosa, Golf Santander, among other many options that will do of Madrid his next golf destination.