The Michelin Star Restaurants of Madrid

In Madrid there are about 3,100 restaurants, but only DiverXO with three stars-Santceloni, La Terraza del Casino, Sergi Arola, Ramón Freixa Madrid and El Club Allard, with two- and Kabuki, Kabuki Wellington, dStage, ALBORA, La Cabra and Y Punto, with one-, are chosen by the Michelin Guide. Also, around the city, three local (Coque, Casa José, Chiron and Montia) look a star of the prestigious guide. Well executed dishes,excellent service and care environment are its main presentation.

Gastronomy Michelin

In total, you can find thirteen stars restaurants  into the city, complemented with another excellent selection of all cuisines. This fact makes Madrid one of the cities with the highest number of Michelin star places per square meter in the world.

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